Tuesday 13 October 2020

Learn Japanese Language In Malaysia

For what so ever reason, you have started to get interest to learning Japanese language. With zero knowledge, it is no where to kick start the learning process so you have started to google some keywords such as "Japanese Language Tuition in Malaysia" "Learn Japanese in Malaysia for beginner" "Basic Japanese course" ETC.. Yes the Google returned thousands of result, but did you get what you really want after all the clickings? There might be tuition centre offering a language course over the term of 6 months, online tutoring, online web which offers interactive software for learning, amateur/professional websites, you name it. I had experienced the same for all the above when I started to attend Japanese language class during my university time. There's a bit about me. I have taken Japanese language course during my three year bachelor degree study in local university in Malaysia. The course earn you a 2 credit hours once you have successfully completed the 3 semesters study. Learning from zero was tough, but I managed to pass the examination with flying colours. In between, my Japanese language lecturer (we called him "sensei", teacher in Japanese) offers a voluntary Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) class to us who are interested. To sit for an international recognized examination was not easy, what more to pass with good marks. But I managed to pass with good result and was recommended to participate in a six-weeks exchange program held in Osaka, Japan, organized by The Japan Foundation. Upon returning to Malaysia, I have started to assist my sensei to be the Japanese tutor for my university for 2 years. Finishing his visa term in Malaysia, he has decided to go back to Japan, and I also resigned and entering the industry. Three companies that I have worked required my Japanese skills, as I was dealing with Japanese counterparts and colleagues. Doing a fulltime job, I was also offering private tutoring for about a year. My current job position required both conversation and writing skills. Enough for abit of myself, which my purpose is to let you know that with the Japanese language skills, it allows you to enter a new high level, which you have more job offers from different industries, and you make the call which to go. This blog, I will guide you with some basic knowledge of Japanese, step-by-step, Free Of Charge, of course. When you feel that you wish to further the learning, then you can go for a paid one. In the next writing, I will touch a bit the overview of Japanese Language. Stay tune.

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